Sunday, February 12, 2012


“After 10 sessions, you feel the difference. In 20, you will see the difference. And in 30, you’ll be on your way to having a whole new body.”
                                                                                    -Joseph Pilates

Pilates is an exercise method that evolved from the early practice and principles of Joseph Pilates. Pilates delivers a comprehensive, full body workout through highly controlled and precise movements. Core control, alignment, breath, spinal articulation and movement integration are just some of the principles emphasized in this practice. The guiding principles of pilates help to create a balance and harmony within the body. Pilates can help restore function by improving alignment, posture, symmetry, strength, body awareness and motor planning. Combined with the well-trained eye, skilled hands, and medical background of a physical therapist, pilates based physical therapy can provide a client with all the tools for improved function and mobility.